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On demand and online class with plant spirit healer, Emma Fitchett

Sacred Space, also known as the Magical Cosmos, is a true tradition in that its origins are unknown and despite its structure changing over time and within various spiritual orientations, the metaphysics of how and why it works remain the same.


A Sacred Space comes in many forms from spheres of divine flame to the pentagonal astral structure, each form providing a secure, amplified field which creates a threshold of potentiality for inner change to take place. Sacred Spaces are vital for healing work, ceremony, ritual, inner and psychic work. Knowing how these spaces work energetically and on the spirtual planes is vital to holding their integrity and managing the safety of everyone within them.


In this educational class Emma will be outlining the fundamentals for space holders and will explore the classical Seven Directions Sacred Space opening in detail. Blended throughout the class will be advice for building your own team of allies and working with divine forces to hold and secure your Magical Cosmos.


Emma will be covering:

  • Why do we need Sacred Spaces?

  • The types of Sacred Space within various spiritual traditions.

  • The fundamental components for creating Sacred Space.

  • How to create stronger Sacred Space for deeper healing work.

  • How to become the Sacred Space.

  • How to integrate divine forces and allies.

This on demand class will be hosted on the Thinkific platform. Once purchased you have access to the class for 1 year and will be able to rewatch it as many times as you need.

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Emma Fitchett

Emma is a plant spirit healer, shamanic teacher & author. She has been initiated into and trained in indigenous healing and magical lineages of the British Isles, the Ecuadorian Amazon & is a Yew Mysteries initiate. She holds a Masters degree in Tibetan Buddhism.


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